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This page started on 25 Jun 2010.  My grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini, was naturalized in Trinidad on 17 Oct 1904.

I first learned this fact from Ron Frazzini:

Date:            Sun, 13 Apr 2003 23:20:21 -0500
From:            Ron Frazzini <>
Subject:         Ancestry

Mark - Ran across your data and notes on ancestry, then looked at the web site.  Some interesting links to my family.  My name is Ron Frazzini.  My grandfather, Damiano, was naturalized in Trinidad the same day as Emiliano, and other Frazzinis.  Emiliano was my father's (Mirando Leopoldo Giuseppe Frazzini) godfather, and Ippolito was my uncle's (Albino Paolo) godfather.  I found this in the church in S. Pietro Avellana from a rather grumpy, but cooperative priest.  I've visited S. Pietro twice, and prowled through the records in the municipio with the help of a very cooperative bureaucrat.  I've also been to Isernia to look for more records there, and have been relatively successful in piecing together something of a tree.

Damiano and Emiliano were both minors at naturalization, I believe, and according to the marriage records in S. Pietro, Damiano returned home very shortly after naturalization to be married to Giuseppa Colomba Morelli Dec. 31, 1904.  Mirando and Albino followed, and the family moved back to the US to Denver around 1910.  Interestingly enough, Giuseppa Morelli's mother was Lucia Carlino (or Carlini).  Do you know any other surnames?

Buona fortuna

>I've read over your email a few times and you may know more about my family than I do.
>How did you know that Emiliano was your father's godfather? Was it actually from the church records?

One day after a several hour stint at Isernia in the archives, I drove back to SPA just in time to see the end of the evening mass.  Seeing the priest was a suggestion of the archivist.  The church is interesting in that it was about the only building in the town not destroyed in 1943 when the whole place was bombed.  I was able to convince the priest to show me the records, but I had to have the specific dates, so this is not a good thing if one is not sure, and wants to just page through the records, as I did in Isernia, to find someone.  He found my dad's (Mirando) and my uncle's (Albino) births, and the godfather is always listed as well as the midwife and other attendants.  I did get to read the records.
>Do you have a list of the Frazzinis that were naturalized on that faithful day in 1904?

Here is the list I found:
October 17, 1904
Damiano, Carmine, Giovanni, Emiliano, Pasquale, Vincenzo

October 20, 1904
Domenico, Emiddio
>How did you find that out. Maybe I can find some of their descendents.

This came from a search in the Denver naturalization records, an extremely tiring and frustrating activity.  We looked for the application for naturalization which needs to be filed four years in advance, but the records were missing.  These would give some relatives.  The naturalization record itself is useless for any kind of data.
>There is good chance that your grandfather's history in CO was similar to my grandfather. Do you have any details about where he lived or where he worked?

Here's where things become more vague than usual.  I think Damiano worked the mines, and maybe on the railroad.  I'm convinced that any links in our families are through the brothers of Damiano (Pasquale Antonio and Domenico Giuseppe), as well as his father Nunzio.  Nunzio had two brothers (Domenico Damiano, Pasquale Filippo) who also had families that would be relevant.  There were three sisters of Damiano, but due to the patriarchal Italian system, we only know what happened to women if the parents wrote the husband's name on the birth certificate, and I do have some info here.  I'm sure the son of Pasquale Antonio is still living in Denver, but he won't see me, although I've talked at length to his wife.  There's been some stressful things along the way that are evidently not easily forgotten. 

Damiano was divorced when the boys were in their early 20s, and he moved to California.  Actually spent some time in the monastery at Santa Barbara.  Rumor has it he returned to SPA and was killed in 1943.
Hi Mark - Here's what I have on the baptisms.  The information came from the church in San Pietro by talking with the priest, and having him go to the records of births stored in the church.  You have to know specific dates for him to do any looking at all.  Emiliano was my father Mirando's godfather at the ceremony at that church on the 26th of March, 1906.  I'm guessing he was close in age to Damiano, my grandfather, since they were both naturalized in Trinidad, Colo. the same day, Oct. 17, 1904, as minors.  I'm also guessing that they (at least Damiano) returned to Italy shortly after that since Damiano was married in San Pietro on Dec. 31, 1904.  Names of godmothers at the baptism ceremony were either unavailable, or thought not to be important by the priest. 

As for the baptism for Damiano, it also occurred in San Pietro.  He was born to Nunzio Frazzini, and Elisabetta Quaranta June 27, 1882 according to the records in Isernia.  But, here is a glitch.  He would have been over 22 years old at the time of naturalization, but the papers definitely are for a minor.

Valuable links for the family will be in the identification of the children of Damiano's and Damiano's father's brothers and sisters.  I have their names, but ran out of time to search the marriage and birth records for any children of aunts and uncles.  Damiano's father's name was Nunzio, and Nunzio's brothers and sisters were Pasquale Filippo,
Domenico Damiano, Maria Luisa, and Giovanna Francesca, all born between 1844 and 1859.

Some of this info may now be available via Salt Lake, but I haven't had the time to look.


17 Oct 1904

My grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini, was naturalized at the District Court of the County of Las Animas in Trinidad, Colorado on 17 Oct 1904 by Judge Jesse G. Northcutt. He was naturalized as a minor as he would have been 18 years old in October of 1904. On the back is a affidavit that this is a true and correct copy, the affidavit is dated 30th Sept 1916. The back is also stamped "Passport Application Taken Apr 1 1925, American Consulate General, Rome, Italy". The Naturalizaton was witnessed by Donato Danio Carlino and Andrea Putaturo
Witness: Donato Danio Carlino
My guess is that this man named "Donato Danio Carlino" who was a witness to the naturalization of my grandfather, Emiliano Frazzini, was really Donatangelo Carlino, the son of Beniamino Carlino and Giovanna Quaranta, born 21 Dec 1964. I believe the "Danio", which is not an Italian name or an Americanization, is a mis-transcription of Antonio.

I just did a check of Ellis Island and there are two records for him, 1899 and 1904. His first name is written Donatangelo each time BUT for the 1904 entry, the name Antonio is written above the "angelo" part of the name. By 1899, he was a US citizen and had been in the US from 1881 to 1898. In 1904, he arrived with his wife Cristina and daughters, Iola and Elena.

He was born Donatangelo but here in the US, he was known as Donato Antonio. He appears in the ancestry of Cathy Madonna Youngblood on the Frazzini Graphical Tree Part 3 and in my family tree database. A report by Cathy is available here.

US Census 1900  >  COLORADO   >  PITKIN  >  21-PCT
Series: T623  Roll: 128  Page: 290
Surname      GivenName                     Age   Sex    Race    Birthplace    State    County    Location    Year
CARLINO  DONOTO ANTONIO     36  M       W        ITAL           CO      PITKIN   21-PCT    1900

He died in 1910 at age 45 years and is buried in the Highland Cemetery, New Castle, Garfield County, Colorado.
Witness: Andrea Putaturo
An Andrea "Pataturo" arrived at Ellis Island at age 21y on 6 Apr 1896 on the Furst Bismark. Other Putaturo's arriving at Ellis Island were mostly from the town of Carovilli - which is nearby to SPA. (manifest page reference : Series M237,  Roll 656, Frame 466 - on the Furst Bismark, going to New York)

Ever since 2003, I wanted to look up these naturalization records.

 2010 Colorado State Archives

In Jun of 2010, I finally made my first trip to Denver. I spent a day at the Colorado State Archives and got the microfilm (GR883 Las Anmimas District Count Roll #3 Naturalization Records 1884-1904). Unfortunately, these records do not have any other useful information other than the person's name so it may be difficult to trace these people back to SPA.

These were from Vol 3 - Minors (these were the SPA names that I recognized) These men should have all been at least 21 years old in 1904, born before 1883. This is not the case for many of these men. Note that I'm still working on finding these men in the SPA birth records.

Date Name Page
17 Oct 1904 Emiliano Frazzini 371 - my grandfather. In my family tree database. Born 15 Feb 1886
17 Oct 1904 Amico Quaranta 380 - In my family tree database. Born about 1881 (SPA birth records are missing for that year)
17 Oct 1904 Felice Ricci 296
17 Oct 1904 Vincenzo diLorenzo 311 - notation on record: "died at Dawson 8 Feb 1923" was recorded on 23 Mar 1935. In my family tree database. Born about 1881 SPA birth records are missing for that year.
17 Oct 1904 Gio Fundy 326  - Acquafondata??
17 Oct 1904 Giovanni Frazzini 328
17 Oct 1904 Damiano Frazzini 329 - my grandfather had a photo of one of Damiano's sons. Look on this web page for more. In my family tree database. Born about 1882.
17 Oct 1904 Pasquale Frazzini 334
17 Oct 1904 Carmine Frazzini 352 - this is possibly the Carmine, born 1881, who married Maria Antonia Carlini and lived in Dawson, NM. That Carmine died in 1912 in Dawson.
17 Oct 1904 Saverio diLorenzo 354 -  In my family tree database. Born 2 Aug 1874. 1902 - referenced in Boston Manifest, 1 Jun 1902, of brother Vincenzo, going to Trinidad, CO.
17 Oct 1904 Antonio Ludovico 355 - I can't find this man in the SPA birth records.
17 Oct 1904 Umberto Ludovico 379 - I can't find this man in the SPA birth records.
17 Oct 1904 Giuseppe diGiacomo 382 - notation on record: "Cancelled 4 Apr 1932 - returned to Italy"
20 Oct 1904 Domenico Frazzini 426
20 Oct 1904 Emiddio Frazzini I didn't actually find this record but Ron Frazzini reported finding it.

These were from Vol 2 - Adults (these were the SPA names that I recognized)

Date Name Page Arrived in US
17 Oct 1904 Orland Piscaitano 134 - notatation on record: "lost citizenship 17 Jun 1955" - probably returned to Italy. In my family tree database. Born 8 Oct 1882. 3 Jul 1900 - per the 1900 census, he arrived in the US in 1900 and by the time of the census, he was here for 6 months.
17 Oct 1904 Vincenzo Frazzini 109 -  In my family tree database. Born 9 Oct 1873. Lived in Denver. WWI draft registration shows US citizen. Buried at Crown Hill. 23 Apr 1900 - I have an EI record that shows 6 Apr 1898. 1930 census shows immigrated 1902.
17 Oct 1904 Gaetano Mariani 101 7 Jul 1901
17 Oct 1904 Quirino Tonti 108 2 Jul 1900
27 Oct 1904 Domenico Lombardi Not actually found in these records. I found a 4 May 1915 EI arrival at 46y which shows him as a citizen on this date in Las Animas County. He as going to Ely, NV. He is the father of Enrico "Henry" Lombardi who was an engineer for the NNRY.

The witnesses for EVERY ONE of these naturalizations (as well as dozens of other men who were not from SPA) were Donato Danio Carlino and Andrea Putaturo. Look above for more information about these two men.

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