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29 Oct 2003 -
I've updated the Family Tree
with new
information. It is from a handwritten note to Stella from Florence
dated 16 Dec 1944. "Dear Stella, this is what you had wanted
Hallie took this from the Old
Could the Florence be Mary
Florence Peden Lewis, daughter of James Tompson Peden and
Bryant? That would be Stella's cousin. And the
Hallie must
be Hallie Lewis,
Florence's daughter.
7 Nov 2003 I've
added some
photos all around.
19 Nov 2005 -
Prompted by a question from Tim Healy, I went through all of the photos
again looking for photos of Lillian Huntley Boyer and her Healey
decendents. She married Chester Healy (one of at least 5 husbands).
Chester is Tim's GGF to another of Chester's wives. I've gathered all
those scans into two files. The first is
about a 5MB ZIP file. Click HERE
to download it. The second file is also about 5MB. Click HERE
to download it. You can also see a photo of Lillian on Frank Churchill's web
20 Nov 2005 -
Here are some more letters and photos that I found. I have not had time
to document them and add them to the web site. I've gathered those
scans into two files. The first is photos,
mostly of Frank and Stella Churchill. It is about a 2MB ZIP file. Click
to download it.
The second are letters to Hosea Peden. It is about a 5MB ZIP file.
Click HERE
to download
22 Nov 2005 - Here are more letters from the
Healey's. Its about a 4MB ZIP file. Click HERE
to download
1 Dec 2005 -
I've updated the Family Tree
with new
information about Lillian Huntley Boyer.
Jan 2007 - Just a note to let you know that I'm still here. Nothing
much new to report. I'm still looking for close relatives of the people
who are listed on my pages. Also here is a web site about the Paden/Peden
9 Jul 2007 - I scanned many
newspaper articles and postcards about Frank
Churchill and his contracting business in El Dorado Springs,
1 Sep 2007 - John L "Jack" Taylor died in an aircraft accident in Hawaii during WWII.
15 Sep 2007 - Three semi-famous people who all somehow touched the lives of Frank and Stella Churchill in El Dorado Springs, MO : George Allan England (science fiction writer), Janet Malbon (opera singer) and James Eads How ("millionaire hobo").
2 Nov 2007 - Peggy Norcross sent me a bunch of photos, mostly unidentified, of her family descendent from Price Snider.
13 Nov 2007 - I've taken all the information about Frank and Stella Churchill's Honeymoon trip to the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair and put it on this web page.
Mar 2011 - Another note to say I'm still here. 99% of the stuff saved
by the Peden's has been given to relatives and historical societies as
I list below. I'm still looking for relatives of John L "Jack" Taylor , Bette Frank Churchill's first husband who died during WWII.
19 Apr 2011 - After receiving an email from Richard Churchill Leroy, I've learned more about the Churchill Family.
Summer 2013 - I've located the only 1st cousin of John L "Jack" Taylor . His name is Gene Taylor, the son of Jack's uncle. Gene now has all of Jack's memoribilia.
My goals for this web page are two fold 1) to honor the memory of Hosea, Stella and Billee and 2) to find their nearest living relatives to give all these photos, notes and other memorabilia.
The photos you will see on the main pages are thumbnails. They have been reduced in size and resolution so that they can be quickly downloaded. I actually scanned the photos at 1200 dpi, the best my scanner can do.
My original goal was to put high resolution scans of the photos up on this web site for anyone to download but I quickly exceeded my Disk Quota at my ISP. Until I get that fixed, the high resolution scans won't be here. BUT if you are relative of Hosea or anyone I mention here or in the GED file, I will be happy to send you this web site as well as scans of all the photos on a DVD. Send me your relationship and name/address. Email me :
Also in Billee's stuff is Henry C. Peden Jr's book "Genealogy
of the
Pedens of Kentucky 1756-1986".
4 Dec 2003 :
I got this email from Henry:
Thu, 04 Dec 2003 08:01:29 -0500 From: HENRY PEDEN <> Subject:
Re: Peden ancestry letter
Hi Mark, My 1986 book has been out of print a long time and I have since accumulated more Peden information, often thinking of, but never getting around to, doing an update. Perhaps some day I will do it, so in that regard I don't mind your putting my e-mail address on-line. Also, keep me in mind for any updated information on Hosea's family line. Best regards, Henry |
Also in Billee's stuff is an address book which appears to date from the 1940's or 1950's. It appears to be Stella's address book because it has Billee's address in it as a regular entry.
I found a lot of information on the web, at the LDS web site, and
I tried to mark each piece of information with the source, but I was probably not 100% successful.
In my GED file, I started by putting everything in the Notes
that I
found. I marked all entries as coming from the Notes. I filled in some
holes by downloading several GED files from the net. Those may or may
not have source attribution. I tried not to put information into my GED
file that was already common knowledge available on the Web or in Henry
Peden's book. That information which is not from the Notes consists of:
John Carpenter Peden's Descendants (to
information on his daughter Gusta Peden)
Price Snider's Descendants and Ancestors
(to get
information on Charles Price Snider who married Gusta Peden)
Bonaparte Owings ( I have a sewing needle
owned by "Aunt Nancy", this must be her)
Ben R. Peden Descendants (I have a
picture of his
daughter Faye Peden)
Doris Ellis had
a chance to transcribe the notes in the old Peden
Bible owned by Hallie Lewis. Hallie was the only child of
Peden and "Jay" Leonard Lewis. Doris sent her transcription
to me
on 12 June
Andrew J.
Rebecca Owings -----> Hosea
Ausbrooks Peden
-----> Georgia
Peden - Betty Jane Frank
Allen Boone
Bryant -> Mary
Angeline Bryant
|--> Fred
Bert Churchill
Sarah Snider
|--> Wenona
Billee Churchill
Bert Churchill -- Walter
Rothwell Clark
1. Hosea and Molly apparently had twin sons. In Molly's obit, it refers to their 'three children'.
From the El Dorado Springs (MO) Sun
Thursday, December 6, 1928
She was married to Hosea A. Peden at Franklin, Ky., November 16, 1873 andMolly had twin brothers Daniel and Charles and her twin sons were most likely named after her brothers. I have not been able to find any other reference to them and there was nothing more in the Notes. A copy of that obit is here on Molly's page.
to this union were born, twin brothers, Daniel and Charles, having preceded
their mother in death. Surviving is the daughter, Mrs. F.B. Churchill of this
place, also two grandchildren, Wenona Billie and Fred B. Churchill.
4. The Notes contain a lot of nicknames for many of the relatives. The most interesting one I found was that Pamela Augusta P. Peden who married Charles P Snider (a cousin via Molly's mother Sarah Snider) had a nickname of "Gusta". It took me a while to figure that out. Of course, Hosea Ausbrooks was "Hosey", Mary Angeline was "Molly" and Georgia Estella was "Stella".
5. Stella Peden is "Georgia Estella Peden". I've seen all sorts of different variations of spelling on the web and in the Notes.
6. There is a connection to the Bell family. It appears the Mary "Polly" Peden (one of the two daughters of Benjamin and Mary Peden named Mary) born about 1805 married George Bell. I found a reference to this in Henry Peden's book, page 176B. In Hosea's Pocket Photo Album, I found a picture of a George Bell. I'm pretty sure this is not the George Bell that married Mary "Polly" Peden but must be a descendant. The photo is only marked "George Bell". My guess is that it was taken about 1870-1880 as most of the other photos were taken during that era.
7. In Hosea's Pocket
there is a photo of a woman identified as Miss M. J. Butt. It also took
me a while to figure out who this was. I searched for the Butt name. I
found that, in many sources, Moses R. Peden, son of Andrew J and
Peden married a women only identified as Marinda J. PEDEN. I figured
that that meant Peden was her married name. On the web I found a Butt
family that had two daughters Marinda J. and Nancy J. That Marinda was
identified there as married to Moses Peden. I've also seen the name spelled as Malinda. Newer
info: going through more of the Notes, I found a direct reference that
Moses married Marinda Butt.
May 2003 - I just got an email from a descendent of Moses Reed Peden.
He confirmed that Moses married "Murinda Isavilla Butts" in 1867. She
died in 1912 in Quincy MO. He had a yet different spelling of her first
and middle names. He also said that Moses ended up in Idaho. This
information from Darrell Peden.
All of this information is in the GED file that you can download from this site.
Update: I found one Wlliam Clay "Buck" Ausbrooks, a member of the Ellis Harper Raiders during the Civil War. Harper was active in KY and TN.
I have found several web sites with the family name Ausbrooks from the Sumner County, TN area. Reference here to William C Buck Ausbrooks Here as well.
Here is an email I received:
On 4 Feb 2004 at 13:23, Linda Chesser wrote:
Date sent: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 13:23:54 -0500
From: Linda Chesser <>
Subject: Ausbrooks and McNeil
I don't know if this will help or not, but several of your names were in my database from Sumner County, TN which borders Simpson County, KY.
First: You have a great Peden website and I have no Pedens in my database. The Pedens were living among my ancestors Perdue, Brown, Butt, Ausbrooks/Ozbrooks and others. Re: "McNeil", I have Jonathan McNeil married Catherine Perdue b. 1820 VA. Re: "Bryant" John Bryant married Mary Kimbrough, sister of my 5th great grandmother who was married to Leonard Brown. Leonard Brown was bondsman or witness to the marriage of Sterling Ozbrooks and Polley Barker on Aug. 11, 1804 in Sumner Co.
The Browns intermarried with Perdues and Ausbrooks. My great grandmother Flora Brown married George A. Perdue. His sister was Queen Louisa Elizabeth Perdue who married William Clay Ausbrooks. His father was William Crisley Ausbrooks who married Irena M. Adaline Brown b. 28 July 1832, dau of Jeremiah and Nancy Hodges Brown. Also, in the June 1838 District 17 Sumner Co. TN School Inhabitants list are: Moses Peden, Nancy Butt, and Hosea Pedue (misspelling of Peden--He wasn't a Perdue).
My Butt connection is a son of Arthur Butt marrying a daughter of a Perdue, both still living. Most of my relatives in Sumner Co. had middle names of neighbors as frequently as family names. (Thomas, Bush, Ewing, Witham, Bell, Pope, Anderson, Dudley, etc.) Good luck in your continued research.
2. I found one reference in the Notes to "John married Miss Pruitt". I don't know who that refers to.
3. There are several pictures in Hosea's Pocket Album that I could not identify:
Dr. Jno White
Lulu Bell (Mrs. Dr. Douglas)
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
Those pictures are on this site in Hosea's Pocket Album Page.
4. Spellings of names change a lot:
Bryant or Briant
Snyder or Snider (the old Peden Bible
confirms the
spelling as Snider)
Rebecca or Rebecka or Rebekah
Billee or Billie (she signed her name
Billee so I'll
use that here.)
Molly or Mollie
5. There were several pictures in Billee's stuff who I could not identify. Click Here.
6. The father of Sarah Snyder, Price Snider, married Mary
Holland. He may also have married a woman named Lovelady. I don't have
a first name. I can't find anymore about her except what was in the
Notes. It is also not clear which children came from which mother. The
Notes seem to imply that Mary was the mother of Sarah and Julius and
the rest of the children were from Lovelady. I can't be sure. On the
web I've found references that her name was Sarah "Sallie" Lovelady and
she had two children with Price Snyder, Cinderella and Martha. I
recently found the 1850 census data and found their family. I'm still
working on trying to figure out who is who. Mary Holland (who may have
had 17 children) died in 1833 and Price Snider married Sarah Lovelady
about 1835.
7. Why did Hosea and Mollie move from Franklin, Ky to El Dorado Springs, Mo? When did they move?
El Dorado Springs, Cedar Country, MO
El Dorado Springs SunHosea Ausbrooks Peden The hero of our story.
Andrew J. and
Rebecca Owings Peden
Hosea's father and mother.
Nancy Rogers (Nancy
Bonaparte Owings)
Rebecca's Owings sister
and Aunt to Hosea Peden.
Hosea Ausbrooks Peden's Pocket Photo Album Includes information about George Bell and Nancy J Butt.
Hosea's Brothers and Sisters He had a bunch but I only have pictures of Ben, Mary and Andrew.
Mary Angeline "Molly" (Bryant) Peden Hosea's Wife
Georgia Estella (Peden) Churchill Hosea and Mollie's daughter. Includes info on Frank Bert Churchill, her husband.
Frank Bert Churchill - Newspaper articles and postcards about Frank Churchill and his contracting business in El Dorado Springs, MOWenona Billee (Churchill) Clark Hosea and Mollie's granddaughter. Includes info on Walter Rothwell Clark, her husband
Fred Bert and Betty Jane Churchill Fred was the last descendant from Hosea and Molly. He was their grandson and Billee's brother.
The Briants
and Sniders
Mollie's mother and father and siblings.
For more information on the
Howell line (who
married into the Perdue's married into the Bryant's), look at Tom
Howell's excellent site.
the Pedens and the Churchills
Friends Friends of the Pedens and Churchills
John Ledbetter Taylor - John L. "Jack" Taylor was Betty Frank's first husband. He died in military service in 1943.
Janet Malbon - One of the performers at the Opera House managed by Frank Bert Churchill.Unknown These people must have some connection to Hosea.
My notes These are my web references for information. Contains lots of web links.
Family Tree as created by GED4WEB
The Family Tree as I uploaded it to
PAF File and GED File - as created by Personal Ancestry File from the LDS site - both in one ZIP file.
email :
Peden HOME
This site will be under construction for a while.