Pallone, Carmine {I7180} (b. 29 Jan 1885, d. 11 Aug 1960)
1909 2 May EI arrival, 24y, travelled with Salvatore and Domenico
Crivelli and Amico d'Amico. Wife Maria in SEaM. Going to brother Matteo
at 810 Webster Ave in Pittsburgh, PA. Previously in the US 1905-1906. |
Pallone, Matteo {I7197} (b. 1 Mar 1889)
1905 5 Jul EI arrival, 16y, going to brother Carmine at 810 Webster, St in Pittsburgh, PA. Not previously in the US. |
Palmieri, Quirino {I8215} (b. 10 Oct 1908)
1923 Dec 6 EI arrival, 15y, USC, going to 605 Webster Ave, Pittsburgh, PA. |
Mantenuto, Salvatore {I8396} (b. ABT 1883)
1905 Mar 23 EI arrival, 22y, going to brother-in-law Amibile diGiovine,
803 Webster, Pittsburgh, PA. Travelled with 8 other men from SEaM. |
DiVecchia, Camillo {I8996} (b. ABT 1875)
1905 May 28, Philadelphia arrival, 31y, going to brother Giuseppe DiVecchia, 810 Webster Ave, Pittsburgh, PA. |
Pantalone, Fiorindo "Fiore" {I583} (b. ABT 1871)
Ellis Island 12 Apr 1905, 34y, Going to brother-in-law Giovanni Timperio
(?), Webster Ave, Pittsburgh, PA. Prevously in USA 1902-1904. |
Mancini, Giocondino {I9960} (b. 26 Mar 1876)
1910 14 Mar EI arrival, 34y, wife in SEaM - Francesca diGiovine, going
to 810 Webster Ave in Pittsburgh, PA - to uncle Enrico Mancini.
Travelled with three other Mancini men (Carlo 38y, Nicola 17y, and
Gaetano 42y. |
Rinaldi, Caterina "Catherine" {I10869} (b. ABT 1890, d. 12 Nov 1921)
1902 Boston arrival, 24y, born Napoli, going to New York and Pittsburgh, PA (801 Webster Ave), travelled with husband and son. |
Cardone, Antonio {I10870} (b. ABT 1873)
1902 Boston arrival, 27y, born Napoli, going to brother Francesco
Cardone in New York and Pittsburgh, PA (801 Webster Ave), travelled with
wife and son. Previously in the US from 1898 to 1902. Traveled with
Ferdinando Tedesco who was going to his brother-in-law Francesco Rinaldo
also in NY and PIttsburgh. |
Cardone, Vincenzo "James" {I10871} (b. ABT 1898)
1902 Boston arrival, 4y, born Napoli, going to New York and Pittsburgh, PA (801 Webster Ave), travelled with parents. |
Mancini, Francesco "Frank" {I10947} (b. 4 May 1884, d. 5 Apr 1977)
1906 Jun EI arrival, 22y, going to uncle Theodoro Mancini at 816 Webster
Ave Pittsburgh, PA. previously in the US from1900 to 1904 in
PIttsburgh. |
diGiovine, Amabile {I1689} (b. 13 May 1880, d. 23 May 1933) |
1903 4 Dec - Ellis Island Arrival, 23y, previously in US 1898-1902. Going to Cousin, ?? DiVecchio, Webster Ave, Pittsburgh, PA. |