DiVecchia | Camillo DiVecchio | Lucia diGiovine | Patsy DiVecchio | Frazzini | Site Home |
Would you like to be in closer contact with the town of Sant'Eufemia a Maiella?Patrizia Boccaccio works in the municipio in SEaM and is responsible for tourism.She is creating a mailing list to keep us up to date on the events in the town. You will receive occasional updates on events occurring in St Eufemia through Facebook - Sant Eufemia Nel Mondo. This initiative will hopefully generate a greater interest in our families' place of origin. Send your email address to Patrizia at: boccacciop@hotmail.com. |
Sant'Eufemia Name |
Americanzied Name |
diVecchia | DiVecchio Belveg Delwet DelVecchio |
diPietrantonio | Pietro diPietro Petro |
diGiovine | Giovanni DeJovin D'Jovin |
Palmieri | Palmer Palmere Palmeri |
Name in Italian |
Americanzied Name |
Amico |
Mike |
Giuseppe |
Joseph |
Giuseppa | Josephine |
Giovanni |
John |
Giovanna |
Julia, Joan |
Domenico |
Domenic, Thomas |
Sabatino |
Sam |
Michele |
Mike |
Eufamia | Fannie, Frances |
Camillo | Charles, Camille |
Ermenegildo |
James |
Gennaro | James |
Giosuè | Joshua |
Vincenzo | Vincent, James |
Vincenza | Virginia, Jennifer, Jenny |
Margherita | Daisy |
Pasquale | Patsy, Patrick, Charles |
Giacomo |
Jake |
Guillermo | William, Bill |
Luigi | Louis, Louie |
Aloisio | Aloysius, Luigi |
Nunzio | Joseph |
Nunziata | Nancy |
Gaetano | Guy |
Assunta | Susan |
has been hard at work digitizing the civil records from towns in Italy including Sant'Eufemia a Maiella.
![]() Saint Bartolomeo Church Baptisim Records 1662-1877
http://www.laroccalulett.com/SantEufemiaSurnames.html ALBERICO / CRIVELLI Domenico Alberico domenicalberico ![]() My name is Domenico Alberico and I am from Melbourne Australia. My Fathers name is Antonio Alberico his parents were Domenico and Antonietta Alberico. Our soprannome is (La Cappo) my Great grandfather was renowned for wearing a very large coat. My mothers name is Emma Crivelli Alberico. Her parents names were Michele (He built many of the current homes in Santeufemia) and Concetina Crivelli. They lived in a small house on the Piazza near to Chiesa San Bartolomeo. BATTISTONE / PANTALONE Monika Battistone mbattistone ![]() I am married to Peter Battistone, second son to Francesco Battistone and Angiolina Pantalone who immigrated to Canada from Sant'Eufemia. Many years back we started a family tree as a way of explaining to our children their connection to the many cousins in Canada, USA , Italy and Australia and about their Italian heritage. To date this project has grown from our immediate family to finding ancestors all over the world some we have only corresponded with by email and others who we just met for the first time. DI GIOVINE / ZACAGNINNI Arthur S. Di Giovine artdig ![]() My grandfather Felice DiGiovine was born in Sant'Eufemia April 09, 1893. He emmigrated to the United States after serving in the Italian Army in WWI. His wife Maria Nicole (Zacagninni) was also from Santa Eufemia. They had three sons, Anthony, Salvatore (my Dad) and Fiore. DI NARDO / ALBERICO / PALLONE Lou Stempkowski eufamia ![]() My grandfather was: Luigi Antonio DI NARDO (Louis Anthony DiNardo) Born: 6 Jun 1892 Died: Aug 1969 Born: Sant' Eufemia A Maiella His father was: Francesco DI NARDO His mother was: Maria Nicole ALBERICO His brother was: Matteo (Matthew) whose wife was Raffaela Carpolotti Di Nardo His sister is: Adelina Di Vecchia (currently living in Buenos Ares, Argentina My grandfather's travels were: Moved to Old Forge (Scranton), PA in USA then moved to West Park (also known as McKees Rocks, near Pittsburgh) PA in USA His wife was: Angelina DiNardo Born 30 Apr 1890 Died Jan 1984 Her father was: Angelantonia PALLONE Her mother was: Carmine DI NARDO Please respond to Lou Stempkowski 389 Rio Circle Pittsburgh, PA USA 15241 DI NARDO Flaviano fchianello ![]() My name is Flaviana DiNardo. I live in Toronto. My father's name is Antonio DiNardo and he is knows as ciarbacanno. I'm in love with St. Eufemia, even though the population is declining. I love it so much and because it is a part of my heritage, that I bought a house in the town and my family plan to go back during some summers. DI NARDO / DI LIBERO / DI CAMILLO Mike Livreri vegasmikeandbecky ![]() I have some ancestors from Sant'Eufemia. They are way back in the 18th century however. I don't know if anyone will have any connection to them. Irene Dinardo, born 1790 in Sant'Eufemia, married Ferdinando Fiore-Nanni of Campo di Giove'. Her parents were Giovanni Lorenzo Dinardo, born about 1760 and Fiorenza DiLibero or Dicamillo, born about 1760. Are either of the names DiLibero or DiCamillo popular in Sant'Eufemia? I realize these are very distant names but if anyone has a connection please let me know. DI NARDO / PANTALONE / DI ANGELIS Flaviana Di Nardo fchianello ![]() My name is Flaviana DiNardo. I am 48 yrs. old and live in Woodbridge Ontario. My parents immigrated to Toronto in 1955 from St. Eufemia. I still visit the town and presently have my father's house in St. Eufemia. The town is magnificent and should be visited by all who have ancestors from St. Eufemia. Grandfather: Giuseppe DiNardo Grandmother Filomena DiNardo Grandfather: Luigi Pantalone Grandmother Anna DiAngelis Mother: Maria Pantalone, Father Antonio DiNardo My grandmother Filomena DiNardo is 100 years old and is still healthy and alive. Please respond. DINARDO / TIMPERIO Nancy Owings nowings ![]() Both of my grandparents were from Santa Eufemia a Maiella. My grandfather was Vincent Di Nardo. I do not know the names of all of his siblings, but I do know that he came to America around !900 with his older brother Paul. They went to Colorado and worked on the railroads. He also had brothers named Luigi and Ralph and also a sister named Annie and I believe several other siblings. He eventually settled in Baltimore, Md. as did his brothers Paul and Ralph and his sister Annie. He sent for my grandmother Maria Timperio and their daughter (my aunt Adeline) who arrived in Baltimore around 1911. My mother Domenica,(Mitzi), aunt Annunciata (Nancy) and uncle Phil were all born in Baltimore. My aunt Nancy is 96 years old and lives in Florida. All of the other siblings are deceased. DI PIETRANTONIO / DI GIOVINE / PANTALONE / DI NARDO Kristi Petro pietra17 ![]() Searching for information on my family in Abruzzo. My great grandparents were Teodoro DI PIETRANTONIO and Lucia DI NARDO. I know of two of their children: Anna Concetta married to Carmine DI GIOVINE, and Donato (my grandfather, who went by the name Carmine) married to Nunziata PANTALONE. Nunziata's parents - also from Sant' Eufemia were Alfonso PANTALONE and Madelene DI GIOVINE; they had three other children: Marietta, Colarice, and Antonio. My grandfather, Carmen DI PIETRANTONIO, was born in 1885 and came to the US around 1900. He later shortened his name to Petro. He and his sister's family settled in Joliet, IL. I have more information regarding their descendents. If anyone thinks they have a connection to these families feel free to contact me. Grazie! DI VECCHIA / CARAPELLOTTI Sandra Shafer SSHAFER45 ![]() My grandfather Filippo DI VECCHIA) was born in 1884 in Sant'Eufemia, the son of Domenico DI VECCHIA and Anna Giacomo DI COSMO; my grandmother, Eufemia CARAPELLOTTI, was born in 1885 in Sant'Eufemia, the daughter of Ottaviano DI VECCHIA and Filomena Pallone. They were married in Sant'Eufemia in 1904. They emigrated to the US and settled in Old Forge, PA, raising a family of 6 children. My father, Domonick DI VECCHIA, was born in Sant'Eufemia in 1905. DI VECCHIA / MANCINI - DI GIOVINE / CARAPELOTTO Mark C. DiVecchio markd ![]() My grandfather's parents, Micheangelo DIVECCHIA / Angesa MANCINI, and my grandmother's parents, Chrisenzio DIGIOVINE / Maria CARAPELOTTO, were all born in Sant' Eufemia. Their children (my grandparents) Camillo DIVECCHIA and Lucia DIGIOVINE, gave birth to my father Pasquale DIVECCHIO in 1917. They all came over to the US, my grandfather first in 1905 and my grandmother and father about 1928. Settled in Aliquippa, PA outside of Pittsburgh. Our family name changed at somepoint from DIVECCHIA to DIVECCHIO. I am putting together a DIVECCHIO family tree at: http://www.silogic.com/genealogy/divecchio.htm GARGARO / PALMIERI Thomas D Gargaro tgargaro ![]() My father's mother and father were both born in St. Eufemia a Maiella. I have been there twice and plan on returning next year. My Grandfather's name was Angelo Sante Gargaro. He was born in St.Eufemia a Maiella on January 20, 1893 and died in Stowe Twp.,Pa. in 1966. He emigrated to Stowe Twp. Pa. in 1909. He was the son of Isadore Gargaro (born March 24, 1864 and died February,1941 and is buried in St. Eufemia) and Bernadette Angelucci (born May 31, 1868 and died February 2, 1936 and is also buried in St.Eufemia). Isadore's father was Angelo Santo (born 1809), Angelo Santo's father was Francesco (born 1768 and married to Angela Domenica Mancini) Francesco's father was Orazio (born 1746 and married Aghese Zianni) Orazio's father was Bernardini (born 1700) They were all from St.Eufemia a Maiella. Bernadette's father was Nicolo Angelucci (born 1834 and died 1909) and her mother was Maria Severia Centefante (died 1922). Nicolo's father was Francesco Angelucci born 1789. My Grandfather had 6 brothers and sisters, all born in St.Eufemia. - Celeste (born 1891 and died in Stowe Twp.Pa. in 1933) married Raphael Dantini (also from St.Eufemia). - Anine (born in 1896 and died in Stowe Twp. Pa. in 1984) married Camille Salvitti (also from St. Eufemia). - Anuzine (born in 1899 and died in 1972 in Alliquippa, Pa.) married Jim DiNardo - Anthony (Born in 1905 and died from influenza in 1921 two weeks after arriving in America with his father Isadore) - Marietta (Born in 1907 and died in 1972 in Aliquippa, Pa.) married Nicholas Mancini - Vincenzo (Born 1910 and died in 2001 in Melbourne Australia) married Juliette Palmieri (also born in St.Eufemia) My Grandmother's name was Mary Palmieri. She was born in St. Eufemia a Maiella on September 10, 1900 and died in Stowe Twp. Pa. on April 9, 1987. She was the daughter of Angeline Geco (Born 1877 in or near St. Eufemia and died in 1950 in Stowe Twp.Pa) and Vincenzo Palmieri (Born September 1871 in St. Eufemia and died in 1947 in Stowe Twp. Pa. Vincenzo's parents were Peter Palmieri and Filomene Cerone, both from St. Eufemia. My Grandmother had 6 brothers and sisters, with the 5 youngest being born in America - Fiore married Angeline Tessicino - John - Joe (Born 1912 and died in 1988) married Rose Catanzarite - Mamie married Ercolene D'amico - Ann married Bill Palmieri (Born in St. Giacomo, a small town right next to St. Eufemia.) - Rose married Antonio DeLisio (Born in Sulmona) I realize that I've provided a great deal of information, but I do have more regarding some ancestor's brothers and sisters. NUCCITELLI / ALBERICO Nutegolfer ![]() My grandfather Carmine Nuccitelli was born approximately 1880, and emigrated to the USA in 1905. My grandmother Felica Alberico Nuccitelli was born approximately 1788. My grandmother had four other sisters: Irene Alberico Palmieri Carolina Alberico Nuccitelli Anina Alberico Marcucci Maria Alberico Manghini My grandfather had cousins Rocco Nuccitelli who went to Australia, and Ignazio Mancini joined him in the USA from Sant'Eufemia. PALMIERI / DI GIOVINE / DI VECCHIA Tony Palmieri pennstate5 ![]() Above are my family surnames from Sant'Eufemia. PALMIERI / MARCUCCI / ALBERICO / PICCIRILLI Rosemarie Andrews nyteardrop ![]() My father and his parents are from Sant'Eufemia a Maiella. I have been working on genealogy for his family and have found a couple people who are related to me. My grandfather was Angelo Camillo Palmieri and my grandmother was Lucia Palmieri Palmieri..there was an Uncle Giovanni who married an Anna Giaconde Marcucci, and an Uncle Angelo Pietro who married Irene Alberico, and an Aunt Anna Palmieri who married Nicola Piccirilli. Some of their descendants migrated to the U.S. and to Australia and Argentina. I am trying to locate information on Pietro Palmieri and family in Australia. Also any information on the Palmieri family in Sant'Eufemia, or anyone who may have known of them that could tell me more about them. If you can be of any help, I would be truly grateful. Please email me. PALMIERI / SONSINI Angela jgiobbi ![]() My grandfather, Amato Palmieri, married Annina Sonsini. Moved to Australia. His father was Carmine Palmieri. Amato had 5 children, Julia Vera Antonia, my father (age 81), and two sons who died in Italy, Angelo and Camillo. |
email : markd@silogic.com